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EduFocal Team worships at Gregory Park Baptist Church – September 22, 2019

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EduFocal Limited started a tradition… a tradition where each year the Team will worship at a church to mark the start of another school year and another year of success for the Company, with God’s blessings of course.
On September 22, 2019, the EduFocal Team shared in the worship service of Gregory Park Baptist Church. We thank Rev. Karl Henlin and his Church Family for agreeing to host us… and what wonderful hosts they were! From the Praise and Worship to the Preaching.
Oh yes! We were indeed blessed by the preaching of Sis. Dorrett Campbell, an Educator and, clearly, an excellent Preacher! We were truly blessed by the message – the message of Nineveh and Jonah and the similarities highlighted between the happenings of that time in Nineveh and the happenings of now in Jamaica. We were charged not to run away, not to retreat like Jonah but to stand firm to the call of God and missions and to ensure we do the good works of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our CEO, Gordon Swaby, in his Greetings recognized and prayed for the Grade 6 Teacher of St Richard’s Primary School who was recently mauled by dogs. We continue to pray for her speedy and full recovery. In closing, he offered to gift 1 student of the Gregory Park Baptist Church with 1-year free access on the EduFocal platform. The congregation was also invited to share in a cake, courtesy of EduFocal.

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