
Introducing EduFocal Video Tutorials!

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We’re excited to announce the launch of EduFocal Video Tutorials! Our videos can be viewed from any computer, mobile phone or tablet.  All you need is an internet connection and EduFocal membership (paid subscribers only, but everybody gets a month free!).

To start, video content will only be available for GSAT Math; videos for other subjects  will be available in the future. The videos, following the GSAT curriculum covers all topic areas  on the syllabus in a quick, easy to understand way that will keep students interested. With the help of real GSAT teachers, these videos are a perfect way to enhance the classroom experience without the typical classroom distractions. The videos are full of anecdotes and examples that will keep students’ attention and help them to learn and remember the lessons.

Now, if a student has trouble grasping a topic at school, they can come home and click on a video that covers the same topic covered in class. They can use these videos to revise what they already know, or clarify something they don’t know. Plus, since the videos will be available all year round, any student has the opportunity to get ahead of the class!

After viewing the videos, students may take tests just like usual to practice what they’ve learned. They can also view the videos again if there was something they didn’t understand, or move on to a new topic. Try out our Video Tutorials and you won’t be disappointed!

If you aren’t already an EduFocal member, contact us at help@edufocal.com for help to sign up.



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